Friday, December 11, 2009

Natural What Natural Medications Should I Be Taking Every Day?

What natural medications should I be taking every day? - natural

I have a family history of many diseases, including cancer and heart disease. Now I am getting in my late 20s, I began taking more worried about my health. I researched natural resources such as fish oil rich in omega 3 and good to help prevent certain diseases and usually something good for your health. I'm curious to know what types of natural medicines are taken daily to improve your general health?


Helios said...

The funniest book you'll ever see in natural medicine to - Atkins Vita-nutrient solution. Get used to it outside of the Amazon. He talks to replace physicians with prescription drugs to people with natural things. And he talks about his experience with patients who buy these things that anyone can use.

Anyway, if you have cancer every day in the family - selenium.

Good quality One-A-Day vitamin-mineral pills each day - one of two ways.

Also I have always heard that if you have one tablet per day - make it an aspirin.

For general health - fish oil - from 3000 to 6000 mgs / day - with their lives. Perhaps E. 2000 mgs of vitamin D (supports the fight) against the Depression, with many other things.

But as you know - there are millions of things are, and some are clearly fraudulent. But the study before - take these things and never know if it works - what you live longer and smooth with a little luck to all.

Hermione said...

Heart disease should not eat much meat!
He has held more fish if you eat on a diet without vegetables.
To prevent cancer, vitamin C stuff like fruit and Veges.

** Training is not good to [] be a ridiculous amount when only a simple walk on most days.
** A good multivitamin would naturo-path/herbalist [a better player, not the diversity] of the supermarkets, so you get a little of everything every day.
** If you can get to [or permit] to organic food to eat, if possible, because I think they are one of the best ways to prevent cancer [and help fight cancer if you have / IT ].

In addition, I propose for further advice, consult a Naturo-path or a botanist who listen to your questions and suggest the best thing for you to have ... and they have to say, or be in a position where you can buy these supplements.

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