How long after ovulation cramps am I fertile and can try to conceive? - ovulation with vertigo
How long after ovulation cramps I am fertile and ready to try for a baby? If I have sex during that time? How much time and cramps are an indication that ovulation will occur, or occur, or already done?
Please help? I have tried to conceive for 3 years and I am willing to do this now? THANKS
I would say 24-48 hours after ovulation is. I would like measurements every two days left to luck and a lot sperm.Good Baby dust can build for you!
It depends on how long your cramps. Mine is a solid 3-4 days. J'ovule the last days. I explained that I began to feel cramps when the ovaries begin to swell in preparation for the release of eggs. After the egg released from the pain disappear.
If you have only one day, I am assuming that ovulation occurs on that day. You can also show your CM to develop the mine for several days before starting the cramps.
I agree! I think the life of the seeds for up to 3 days so if you have sex 3 days before ovulation and therefore ovulation or sperm or B are still there and get the egg ... and the egg lives 24 hours, so that u is the second day. So about 5 days around ovulation!
I wish him good luck
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